Wings X: curves

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Everything concerning Wings X
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 13. Dez 2021, 12:12

Good morning to Christoph Hilger and to all the forum

First of all thanks for the excellent work done so far on Wings X, I'm also doing the first tests with the WXP.
In addition to compliments, I would like to ask for a couple of things to put on your to-do list.

In w7 I used a curve I created and made it the default by double clicking on it and highlighting it red in the pool. Now you can only choose from those proposed in the system through the options panel.
Also, the points that you add to the curves to modify them cannot be softened using handles such as Bezier curves.
In my opinion the ones in w7 were better. Can anything be done?
Another thing: in w7 when you shorten or lengthen an object, using the shortcuts of the A and D keys it is possible to decide whether to keep the curve intact, or to shorten or lengthen it proportionally.
Is there something similar in Wings X?

Thanks and good job!
Christoph Hilger
Beiträge: 2973
Registriert: 11. Dez 2021, 11:49

Hello Daniele,

thank you very much für your positive feedback! :-)
Concerning the curves I am not sure, whether you are talking of the main curve of an object (for control of alpha) or the control curves (for control of position, zoom, etc.).
Thanks for a short feedback in this regard.

Best regards from Wallern!
Christoph Hilger
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 13. Dez 2021, 12:12

Good evening Christoph,
regarding my request I'm talking about the main curve which in Wings 7 - Media Pool were called "Ramps" and which I can create, save and set as default for all the images I am going to insert in that project and in other new projects.
I am attaching a sample screen capture.
Wings X curves.jpg
Wings X curves.jpg (45.34 KiB) 1045 mal betrachtet
Christoph Hilger
Beiträge: 2973
Registriert: 11. Dez 2021, 11:49

Good morning Daniele,

concerning the default curve: It is already on my todo list, to implement the selection of a default curve in the pool. But since the fade-in/out ramps consist only of one single point, which is adjusted in a blink, this is not really a requested/needed feature anymore.
Concerning the bezier handles: There are no plans, to implement that again in Wings X since it adds unnecessary complexity. We had this discussion already a very long time ago in the forum and nobody was able to come up with a standard characteristic for crossfades which would require more than the single flexible point of Wings X. And fpr the rare special cases, you can of course use as many points as you like. Therefore I am pretty convinced that this solution is optimal.
And the proportional changes to an objects duration are also on my todo list.

Best regards from Wallern!
Christoph Hilger
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 13. Dez 2021, 12:12

Good evening Christoph,
thanks for the replies.
I'll do some tests with the points to find a functional solution.

Best regards from the Dolomites!
Daniele De Biasio